Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Your bike's sound is a stimulation to my Amygdala

Living in a small miner's colony is what makes it possible for everyone living out there to reach Or keep a watch at each other.
So was your fate and so is mine.
But as days changes, changes seasons, changes priorities.
The sun that's appreciated in winters, get cursed in summers.
So was me ;your sun.

There was a time when you came everyday riding on your bike to see me as if I was the Princess, wandering in my garden & you;a Prince, riding on your horse, enthusiastically waiting for my arrival, beeping your bike's horn.

The beep of your horn turned around to be a played on rewind music track in my mind.
That was so consistent that it's been playing in my ears since then and I feel like having Ligyrophobia.
That sound whenever comes across my ear, I don't even wait for a moment & start to peep outside from whichsoever window I see beside so that I don't miss a chance to have a look at you.
 It sucks when that isn't you. One after another passes those unwanted vehicles, beeping same obnoxious sound, screwing up my focused works, arousing an eager enthusiasm in me to leave everything just to see you.

Doesn't that HURTS💔
Do u feel my pain sitting there, giving no second thought about how u messed up everything?

It was soo habitual then that it feels like Am I alive Or Am I in a new soul, new place where that melody turns out to be a Earsplitting, raucous noise which each time makes me loose my sensation to hear reality, drowning me more & more into that Clamour.
Now that u don't come, neither beeps that horn, nor I get a chance to see you,
But then too I patiently wait & watch every bike passing by in order not to miss a chance to see you..... 😢


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